Nigerian Industrialization

Nigeria benefited by the first high great greater of the oil in history, in 1978. The gotten financial advantage was a propellant of chances for the parents, even so very explored for the developed countries more in the estruturao of its economy, the promise of the end of year 70 and beginning of the 80, was lost in the sequencia for the lack of adequate planning of the priorities for the parents. The objective of this article and to supply to a personal experience of the author how much the done comments of the external point of view to the parents and aiming at to illustrate a little of the moment that passed the parents in result of internalizacao financial happened of the sales of the oil. For if dealing with parents very interesting in its origins and with the biggest African population, also we go to tell a little of the culture and politics to help the readers to know the Nigeria better. 2.Cultura of the Nigeria the culture of the Nigeria and formed by some ethnic groups (the country more than has 250 different languages and cultures); the three greaters are haussa-fulani that they are predominant in the north of the country, ibo that they are predominant in the Southeast, ioruba that they are predominant in the southwest of the Benin and tribes who are predominant in the west, 80% of the Beninenses tend to be Christian, while remains 20% adore dolos, Ogun calls. These are followed by efik, ibibio and annang of the Southeastern coast of the Nigria and for ijaw of the delta of the river Niger.Enquanto in the predominant North and the Islamismo. 3.Politica the Kanem-Bornu Empire, next to the Chade Lake, dominated the part north of the Nigria for more than 600 years, prospering as route of commerce between the barbarous North Africans and the people of the forest.