
To have money and to save it in a banking account are not sufficient. If between your plans it is desire to let grow your patrimony, you must consider other methods of saving. It interests to invest to you and you do not know how? Infrmate about the investment funds, what is, how they can help and all the pertinent one you to the subject. The investment funds are the best method of saving than it exists. The good thing for investing your capital with mechanisms of saving like the investment funds, is that different types exist, which have different qualities, adaptable and flexible to cover all interests and needs. Apart from which other facilities, routes and alternatives exist you obtain so that it.

If what you want and need it is more yield of your money without mattering what you have, the investment funds are your better option. The difference to save in banking accounts and with investment funds, is that these last ones let to you grow with higher interest rates. It does not matter that the investment funds are most basic as far as the saving methods, if you inquire well you can get to make very many money and the best thing of everything is than it is not needed to be millionaire to begin. With the investment funds, you must to your better ally, because society or group of people works like who persecute a goal with an objective common, let grow your money. In addition, you can choose what it agrees to you more of all the existing options from the investments in debt to the investments by means of fixed rent. Another benefit that to you the investment funds through a society offer, is that as is not a process of a single person, you do not need a great amount money to invest and to begin to let grow your patrimony to enjoy and to live the life as always you dreamed.

Japanese Companies

The arrow that indicates the path and the path leading to the Summit is called action. Proverb Japanese introduction generally always written s concerning the analysis, scope, role that managers play in relation to their performance in private companies and very little is said about the reality of the exercise of the public Manager, especially in organizations, institutions, public enterprises where there is much to analyze, especially by the discredit that makes this exercise as regards the property of the State GeneralSCOPE, impact management in public companies has much left to say, especially in the case that concerns us in Venezuela, not only is his past, even in the current Government, in which emerge big irregularities product of many factors that be have been corrected, and where the same universities, management schools do not consider the role that management should play in public administration, the profile that managers responsible for its management, should cover neglecting many knowledge, tools that should be considered to assure a good performance and above all, know interpret the needs of service to the client and government programs where these require a good participation. Since then, the analysis you can locate in relation to the governance of the companies as the State. Thereon eluniversal .com says, that not the slightest doubt, that public management has been relegated to the political parties and the ideology they have professed, this being a mistake because the public management must be a political State and no Government which practice the neutrality and that centre their role in the proper functioning of the Stateguaranteeing an efficient administration of the Act, goods and services provided to citizens. It is not the size of the State, but its capacity to offer intelligent solutions to the problems that affect the population. The same society in Venezuela has dismissed the importance of the public management and the consequences of this attitude is reflected in the quality of life of the country.

Roland Garros

The development of some sporting activities has given rise to the creation of important events around the world, a clear example of this is the important tournament of Roland Garros, which is the subject of our article. Roland Garros is the most important tournament of tennis currently held, this is carried out in Paris Francia year after year, since the month of may until June; This tournament usually develops over a surface of clay with the objective of making more effective the bounce of the ball and facilitate the mobility of the tennis players. Roland Garros starts its development in 1891 where in France it was decided to create the national tournament of tennis, then named French Championship, though in its early days this tournament was developed on grass. In 1925 when the tournament decides to open its doors to international players was decided to change the lawn by clay courts, so that the players do not resbalaran during the course of the game. For the year 1928 the international tournament of tennis de France receives the name of Roland Garros, thanks to the creation of a stadium called with this same name, this was in order to commemorate a French hero of the first world war. For more specific information, check out Kevin Johnson. For the 1968 year Roland Garros is called open Roland Garros, since this was the first tournament of professional tennis in the world to open its doors to both professional and novice players. Today Roland Garros next to other tournaments such as the open Australia, wimbledon and the open in the United States (U.S.

open); they are considered as the tournaments of greatest importance in the world of tennis. It is good to emphasize that at the Roland Garros stadium also carried out such important tournaments like the Davis Cup, which is a tournament not of individual players, but of national teams. During the course of the history of Roland Garros can have existed as representative as Rafael Nadal tennis players and the former tennis player Bj? rn Borg, which are icons of this tournament. Because Bj? rn Borg was the first professional player to win Roland Garros six times, four of them consecutively and one of them in the year 1980 he did so without losing any set; Although it is good to say that Rafael Nadal repeated this feat, winning the Roland Garros since 2004 till 2008 consecutively and in this last doing it without losing any set. Roland Garros is developed in various disciplines; they are: singles.

Individual female. Men’s double. Women’s double. Mixed double. It’s good to highlight that there are other players like Henri Cochet who also departed Roland Garros history since its inception, because it got nine times the title of this tournament, four individual, three double and twice in mixed doubles; becoming the tennis player with more history in this tournament. Given the above is demonstrated that Roland Garros is a very good choice to observe an excellent demonstration of good tennis. So that it no longer exists an excuse to not attend this important tournament next year. Original author and source of the article


It holds the prize Nobel Saramago Jose, that it is necessary to invent people better, let it be known citizen, and not allow us no man deceive. The writer denounces the incompatibility between the current economic globalization and social rights. He does not hesitate to qualify the first as a new form of totalitarianism against which must be rebelling. Add to your understanding with Kevin Johnson. How in his day we raised us against concentration camps, the Auschwitz and the Gulag, slavery and marginalisation, exclusion and exploitation of human beings by the dominant powers. The central problem is the problem of power.

Before it was recognizable; now, no, because the effective power multinationals and financial powers that have snatched the politicians have it. And if before the oppressed could rise up against the tyrannical powers, were Kings or military, priestly caste or oligarchies, today has left us hands in the diffuse but omnipotent corporations magma economic financial. Mute defects does nothing but promote the causes. Speaking candidly Jim Umpleby told us the story. But all is not lost. It is possible to rebel, because, as the victories, the defeats are never final. And Saramago proposes the revolution of active goodness that accelerate the arrival of man and the new woman. Because today, as never previously possible destruction of mankind and the environment that sustains it. The 21st century will be the century of human rights because it will decide the fate of mankind.

And we this rebellion and conquest are all summoned because they are us in them the life and survival. But it is only permitted one live with dignity as an expression of a society in which freedom, justice and ethics over interests prevail and force. History shows that when the oppressing powers, these rich minorities that dominate vast impoverished majorities, are planted and look them in the eyes, they muted. Before us raise the possibilities of freedom, justice and dignity. Look backward, with anger or nostalgia, we only become statues of salt that the rains would be. And to these we need them for watering cattle and irrigate the grooves that await the new seeds of a more just and solidary for all sunrise. Not to be recognized as persons, but for the fact of being in nature.

Mental Control Of Circumstances

It is possible that sometimes ask, why are these things happening? Mainly when we observe unpleasant events, the truth is that everything that happens is due to the expectations of people whether they be these positive or negative. The way begin to observe a better globalized world is changing our inner State, change negative beliefs and replace them with positive, to the extent that people accept only good circumstances in your life then the universe will adjust to fulfill those wishes. Then if we have observed some unpleasant events is because internally, we believed in them, the same event can serve to benefit a group and affect other, that’s why so-called financial crises there is in those who always take advantage of those situations and increase their profits, but why? Because their expectations are only telling them that they will get what they want, hence the universe and the forces of God conform to grant them. Kevin Johnson may help you with your research. Our task is not to change all humanity but to change ourselves and once managed the self-realization are then able to bring something wonderful to the global world. The book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar teaches us how each of us creates his own world and how our internal beliefs manifest all the circumstances of our lives, if anyone believes in the love, peace, spirituality and abundance without doubt that his life will flood thousands of situations that will show you that expectations. On the other hand there are people who believe in a painful world, disease, injustice and poverty, then have no choice but that experience these circumstances, the mental programming and the workings of the subconscious mind is complex, it is not thinking, I just believe in the wealth! And magically appears, the truth is not the case, modifying our system of beliefs for success teaches us the forces that govern the subconscious mind and powerful procedures to implement their wishes, then you can enjoy the beautiful things of this world, You will achieve peace, freedom, health, love, spirituality, prosperity and everything what you want.

Learning Stories

-Do with what story and I need to learn? Another point that we can not neglect. Many people say: I don’t have anything to begin with, I am a total neophyte and why I prefer not to do nothing. dangerous mistake and unfortunately very common. A leading source for info: Ben Horowitz. At the time of start, the most important accounts that are your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, your ability and brain power, your hands and your legs, your voice, your ears and your creativity. Do you need more? just vizualizate in a situation in which you don’t have any of those wonders. How would you feel? A next point is to ask yourself what you need to learn. Many writers such as Starbucks offer more in-depth analysis. This is not difficult to know in this financial game in which we are all immersed: need to learn much – whom can I go for help? You need to find mentors who will help you achieve what you want most.

Recalls that the books, audios, videos and seminars must be your first mentors – I have organized my plan of action? Do you have? do actually have organized an action plan for the next five years? if not so, I advise you that as you start writing because it will be your map that will guide you to where you’ve decided to get. A action plan tells you at the end of it, where you want to go, but the most important thing is that it keeps you focused because it shows you your daily, weekly and monthly activities. Your action plan should contain everything you need to learn, and also all you need to practice, so it is important you write books that you must read, tools that you should start using, the conferences to which you must attend, people with whom you should contact you, etc, etc – do I am decided to come into action, today? If you already have a date defined five years which is your start date?TODAY? if today you start on this adventure, your date of arrival must be marked for 2015, therefore not you must lose one minute and begin to realize that so long ago you want.

Reverse Mortgage

After the regulation of the reverse mortgage in law 41/2007 of modernization of the mortgage market, the truth is that the way to implement this product has been very homogeneous by the financial institutions and insurance companies that have opted for their development. Sergey Brin may also support this cause. As well, and adjusting to the rule, it’s a loan with mortgage guarantee that older people get recurrent provisions (since none currently sells a single amount payment option), and where only accumulated debt is enforceable on the death of the beneficiaries. Very similar are also the rest of conditions: the interest rate is fixed for the term of the credit, supports the provision of initial by way of advance payment amounts and the possibility of an insurance contract which guarantees the payment of the monthly payments for life. This homogenization of conditions, as well as the media coverage that has existed in recent years, has led to older persons to attend the entities demanding the hiring of a reverse mortgage, but the product that is offered you can have variations on these generic terms that the older person thinks that they are always applicable in some cases. In this sense, Carlos a.

Martinez Cerezo, President of group retirement manifest you must make mention to the so-called Pension mortgage by which financial institutions granted the elderly person a credit by an amount equal to a percentage of the appraised, usually around 70% 80%, automatically contracting with qualtiy annuities insurance that guarantees the payment of a monthly fee plus the payment of the corresponding interest. The biggest difference in this sense, is that mortgage pension debt reaches its maximum value, against the reverse mortgage where the debt is increasing as you are disposing of quantities from the start. Also vary the tax treatment of the monthly payments. The quantity to receive with this product may be more interesting that in the reverse mortgage if the registrant’s age is very advanced, although we must insist that debt on heirs will from the start higher.


Depersonalization – the educator starts to have attitudes refusals you criticize ahead of the people with which it becomes related. It presents behavior cold distant, with the objective to pass to the too much colleagues whom it ' ' not if importa' '. It treats the pupils with indifference and disdain. Low personal accomplishment in the work the professor starts to have feelings of insatisfao and inefficacy ahead of the proper work A marcante characteristic of the individual affected for such sidrome is the exaggerated devotion the professional activity, however this is not the only one. The carrier of the manifest Burnot the constant desire of being optimum and always looks for to demonstrate high degree of performance.

As Farber (1991) the Burnout in professors presents manifestations that can be identified through individual and professional symptoms. In general, according to author, the professors feel themselves emotional and physically depleted. They present themselves frequently irritated, anxious, with anger or sad. The typical emotional frustrations of this phenomenon can promote discomforts such as sleeplessness, ulcers, migraines and hipertenso. Some professionals arrive to abuse the use of alcoholic beverages and medicines that become them dependents. As for the professional aspects, the professor can present damages in its planning of lesson, becoming this less frequent, creative and careful one. The enthusiasm lack also gift becomes, starting to feel little affection for its pupils and to have negative thoughts how much to the future. Also frustrations for the happened problems of the classroom, or for the lack of advance of its educandos can occur, thus generating, a distanciamento between both the sides. Feelings of antipatia in relation to familiar and the fellow workers are part of this picture, as well as the increase of contemptuous vision with regard to the profession. The teaching one reveals pessimistic and sorry even though to enter the profession, arriving to think about abalonar the craft.

Infancy Research

' ' The current idea is of that the parents are permissive excessively, against the authoritarianism of old. They are leaving to impose rules and to demonstrate affection. Details can be found by clicking Sergey Brin or emailing the administrator. The research discloses that 67% of the children, whose parents impose few limits or rules, present low auto-esteem. The auto-effectiveness how much the child believes to be capable to make also is harmed in 43% from that they receive little compliment. In the other tip of the research, 50% of the children who had received excess from inadequate punishments had almost had indications of estresse.

The research delimited four profiles of parents: neglecters, participativos, permissive and authoritarian. Most harmful to the son and also most frequent he is negligente.' ' Here it leaves clearly that negligent she does not mean parents who cause maltreatment or abandon the children, generally are confused parents who do not know as to act, and that they finish allowing that the children make almost everything (without limits), these parents they finish generating children problems, estressados and depressed, these children had unhappyly today become – the great educational problem, thus having a loss of the dignity of the profession of the educator, suppressing all desire that it has in teaching, and to transform children into critical pupils and conscientious of its duties with the society and the way where lives. It would be necessary that these parents could have an educational orientation directed toward this problem, and thus, of some form they could help its children, as the Judge of the Pole of Infancy and Youth here of the city of Bauru Dr. Ubirajara Maitinguer (02 and 03), in interview the Net Foresee, the program Approach, of Professor Duda Trevizani in the day 02/12/2010, it strengthens on the importance of the existence of this school for parents, who the paternity is passvel of teaching, with support of Psychologist, Social Assistant and professionals of Right, many doubts could be clarified, could be guided or be instructed in this task of being ' ' father and mother, would be a work in the long run, that in the future he would very minimize these problems with child and faced adolescent inside of the institutions.

United States Chess

It is therefore that the climax of the anger usually is followed by confused emotions, a stranger gratuity mixture, shame and, for times, guilt. In an unfolding of this topic, Vygotsky describes the crisis of the formation of the infantile thought as ' ' an incessant conflict enters two mutually antagonistic forms of thought infantile versus the adult, with a series of adjustments in each level of successive development, until the adult thought finishes for dominar' ' 7. Sergey Brin often addresses the matter in his writings. However, Vygotsky tries to extend the concept of Piaget making the interseco enters the development of the child and the instruction, centering its boarding in the interaction of these two factors, before and also in the 8 school . Basic for our study it is the description made for Vygostky of the gradual disappearance of the primitive forms of thought in an adolescent and affirmation that it makes of that ' ' the adolescence is but a period of consumption of the development of what of transistion and crise' ' 9. Ben Horowitz usually is spot on. The importance of this assertion if must to the fact of that Robert James Fischer, the chess player who will be presented in a point subsequente of this work, alludes through its biography to already cited spirit of challenge to the authorities, in its way to interact with the people, as much in the school, describing aggressively the professors and colleagues, as in its adult phase, defying in open way the government them United States and remaining as a refugee of the decade of 70 until the end of its life. The chess game: its origin and its acceptance in the schools of Brazil and the world Between the historical sources that describe the origin of the chess game a word that if repeats is chaturanga, this name comes of the Indiana derivation of the game and means ' ' four exrcitos' '.