Superior Being

But while the dreams are presented overloaded of facts of personal nature, the stories of fairies stage dramas of the soul, with pertaining materials in common to all the men. (…) Myths and stories of fairies give to expression unconscious processes e, when listening to them, allow that these processes revivam and become operating, reestablishing, thus, the conscientious connection between and incosciente. (…) Mitologemas (gifts in stories of fairies) is the primordial language of these psychic processes and no formularization at least obtains to come close itself to the depth and the force of expression of the mythical images. One is about primordial images, whose representation better becomes and of form more sucinta to if using of the appeared language, the language of the symbols, the original language of the unconscious one and humanidade' ' (apud. Rabbit, 2003. feminine P. the 92) If arqutipos are not heard in a real colloquy, are in the stories that the child absorbs unconsciously and if she identifies with personages who represent great forces or impulses of the soul human being: ' ' The instinct of survival, the fear, the love, the hatred, the jealousy, the desires, the feeling of the duty, anxiety of immortality, the will of domain, the courage or herosmo, the narcissism, the cowardice, the envy, the egoism, the luxury, the faith (necessity to believe in a Superior Being or an Absolute one), the deep linking with the Mother (the Feminine one, Anima), the respect or the fear to the Father (the Masculine, the Animus), the rivalry between brothers Such arqutipos, in the scope of literature or classic mythology, have been represented for figures or arquetpicas personages, that is, representations of these passions or? giants of the soul? that they are amalgamated in unconscious the collective one analyzed for Jung' ' (Rabbit, 2003. P. 92-93) Mendes (2000) considers arqutipo in the Junguiana vision and explains of more condensed form: ' ' One arqutipo is a behavior or thought form, a symbol of the experiences basic human beings, who are the same ones for any individual, at any time and any place.