Teach Summer

Finally it's summer – time for the holidays and summer care, hot sunny weather and swimming, fishing and barbecue. It would be desirable as you can spend more time outdoors rather than in a stuffy office. All thoughts are plans for the weekend and next vacation. (Source: Wayne Holman Miami). But the summer – it is also a great opportunity to learn English. 1. This is a great chance to save, because summer wishing to study English much less, and language schools and courses reduce the cost of learning. 2. Because of the small groups of fullness teacher pays more attention to each student.

English classes in the summer is much more effective, and each activity, students will benefit more. 3. Starting deal in the summer English courses in language school or with a tutor, on vacation you can consolidate and extend their knowledge, communicating in English abroad. Without hesitation James Taylor explained all about the problem. Take the opportunity and talk to the porter, with waiters in the restaurant, with animators at the beach. Learning a language is communicating. 4.

If you do not plan to go abroad in the summer, you can spend your vacation learning English, then offered to your attention various intensive courses where you can practice each day for 2-4 academic hours. 5. If you plan to start job hunting in autumn, where she studied English during the summer you can qualify for better paying jobs, because employees with language skills are valued much higher. 6. For children, it's the perfect chance to tighten English. In schools, lessons are terminated in May. And usually when the children come to school after summer vacation, a feeling that they see English alphabet for the first time. Summer is just a possibility for a child to engage in language, to tighten their knowledge, especially if the child spends the summer in the city. Especially about parents should take care of those children who go to high school. Many students pass the gia or use the English language. And be prepared for such a serious exam for the year – it's not easy. 7. In the summer a lot more foreigners come to Russia. A large number of international organizations organize summer language camps in Russia, where you can study English with native speakers. Typically, these camps are located at schools and houses of creativity. Most effective and convenient way to learn languages is distance learning via Skype. That is not all the benefits of lessons on Skype: You can practice at home, office, on vacation – anywhere there is Internet access. You yourself composing schedule, choosing days and times for classes. As a rule, you can do even on weekends. Individual approach, voice direction, communicative approach, materials developed by the world's leading Methodists – are the key points of success.


Postmodernity requires rehabilitation of to teacher the cornerstone of teaching and learning in the teams of profound changes since the modern pedagogy you donate not suffice lives effectively in the classroom, today has been the need will be reconceptualization of to teacher them to researcher and that from this perspective is recontextualiza initial training of teacherswith the assumptions of his investigative research cultural aspects of the students, this article attempts you the show need by addressing little postmodern identity in choosingeducation and to teacher education to researcher reflective the main tool you remedy the difficulties of the school heterogeneous but united with the new information technology and social communicative today. Recently Chris Shumway sought to clarify these questions. Keywords: Education, Post-Modernity, Search the inserted current education in the environment of traditional education is taken to be rethink by the inefficacy that has its dinamicidades front to the new models of pupils whom after-modernity it erects, in intention to skirt the problematic situation of the teach-learning in this new was new thinkers of the education if they had considered to raise it the question of the research and reflection, Antonio Nvoa doctor in education and university professor of the College of Psychology and Sciences of the Education of the University of Lisbon are of these theoreticians, in which it approaches the necessity of the professor to adentrar in the daily world of the pupil being experenciando its cultural aptitudes and later reflecting on its to teach, thus constructing to a new model of learning, based on the emotions, facilitating the attention in disciplines to be given; but before everything what it comes to be this age that as much radicalizes the behavior of the people, mainly the young? This moment that some call after-modernismo in accordance with Lyotard: ‘ ‘ it assigns the state of the culture after the transformations that had affected the rules of the games of science, literature and the arts from the end of century XIX’ ‘ .. In recent months, Chris Shumway has been very successful.

My Bello Amanecer

You always live in your actions, with the tip of your fingers clicking the world, you start auroras, triumphs, colors, joys: is your music. Life is what you play. Everyday one gets up with the firm conviction that this day will be the best. That should at least always be our most noble attitude. Ben Horowitz shines more light on the discussion. That mental and emotional exercise, personally, recently that I began to perform, little by little I have obtained good results. I want to say this to my environment and my daily life is slowly changing in a positive sense. It is like when one takes mindfulness and the decision to fully enjoy a good cup of coffee. Anything that one rises and supplies the breakfast of the day by a SIP of coffee and ready to start the day.

The action of taking a cup of coffee is made in the midst of a poetic attitude to life and the contemplative spirit. With this he achieves one gaze becomes more insightful. The concept of quality and style are permeating the consciousness and daily lives of oneself. Thereafter one lives, in addition to in contemplative State, in an atmosphere of concentration; avoid that one falls into the arms of the routine and hence in the comfort zone. What is be prepared for the challenges of the day. Find in the aroma of a cup of coffee, the breath and the determination to take control of our destiny. Gracias a la vida, at the moment I can say that you I have a beautiful sunrise. And also is that me depends on that day will be fruitful and night allow me to rest to be ready for the next day and when the time comes, to die with peace of mind because my life will have been successful and above all full of plenitude. Written by: original author and source of the article

Icelandic Volcano Eruption

Review of the week from 04.12.2010 to 18.04.2010. Icelandic volcanic eruption has made adjustments in the life of the Icelandic volcano in Europe with the unpronounceable name Eyyafyallayekyul instantly famous throughout the world, violating the air traffic in Most countries in Europe and sowed panic among many Europeans. Get more background information with materials from K B Financial Group. Volcanic eruption in Iceland Eyyafyallayekyul, located in the southern part of the same name of the glacier, about 120 kilometers east of Reykjavik, on the night of April 14 led to the formation of a huge cloud of ash, which was subsequently tightened almost all of Europe. More than 700 people were evacuated from nearby settlements. Already on Thursday, a volcanic eruption in Iceland led to the closure airspace over a large area of northern Europe and the complete abolition of flights at airports in London, Copenhagen and Oslo.

A huge volcanic ash cloud is not only hinders the visibility of drivers, but can disable the engines of the liner. Ash could, covering most of Europe, on Friday and braced for Moscow. Scientists and doctors say that the microscopic particles of ash emitted by the eruption Eyyafyallayekyul, can have a devastating impact on the health of people living in areas that were in the area of distribution 'ash clouds. " But in the Russian Emergencies Ministry said that the volcanic ash cloud after a volcanic eruption in Iceland is not dangerous to people and the territory of the Russian Federation. Some of the challenges of health can only be experienced by people with asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases.


Answer the questions carefully, do not hurry, be positive. Try to maintain a reasonable balance so as not to perehvalit themselves, but to show their best side. Be sure to gather as much information about the company, where do you go for an interview. London Stock Exchange has much experience in this field. Have a look at a corporate site, news of ongoing activities. Mention that you are aware of what the company will demonstrate your interest in the vacancy. Take a printed summary (preferably in English and Russian). It is not something ClearSky Business would like to discuss. Be sure to point it to your contact information. Should not be a question about your experience to claim that it is stated in the summary. Briefly provide information on previous field work, focusing on the latter. Here is a sample list of questions that you may ask: Why are you interested in our company? What are your objectives in this field? Why did you leave your previous job? What special aspects of your experience have prepared you for this job? What is important to you in a company? What are your strong points for this position? What has been the hightest pressure situation you has have been under in recent years? How did you cope with it? What do you like to do most? What do you like to do least? How would you escribe yourslf as a person? What things give you the most satisfaction at work? What things frustratte you most? How do you usually cope with them? What do you do in your spaar time? What kinds of books and publications do you read? What's your professional goal? What standards of success do you set yourself in your job? You should not only answer questions but also ask them to interview does not turn into an interrogation.

The Economy

However the society makes impracticable the process of the formation of an independent, critical and creative individual, therefore in social environment all the people they must behave and act of the form demanded for the society, therefore as to inside create an independent citizen of a society that conducts everything what it must be made? Also observing, that to develop the autonomy in the individuals a responsibility of the school is not alone, but yes of all the society. Therefore the conception to provide the autonomy through the education constructed for the Ministry of the Education, enters in conflict with the actions and attitudes carried through for it, therefore the MEC does not provide autonomy to the pertaining to school institutions, but yes they all stipulate the cronograma that must be followed, applying later, evaluations that do not respect the especificidades and ' ' autonomia' ' of each pertaining to school unit. The education system does not have to be uniform, it must respect the multiplicity of each region of the country. The PDE offers a conception of education, visualizing it as a magical institution that has the duty to correct all the imperfections (inaqualities) gifts in the society. However, the education cannot fulfill to all these functions, therefore the problem of the social inaquality must to be decided by the diverse existing politics, as the economy, because no matter how hard the education provides a quality education, guaranteeing a full formation to the individual, this do not guarantee its access to the work market, which had to the structural unemployment. Reading the PDE the positive propaganda is observed clearly that this document makes in relation to ' ' aes' ' carried through for the current minister of the education, as if all the educational measures brought by the PDE were unknown, making critical a severe one to the last government.

Teacher’s Career

When there is a need to work on the teacher's career, and while still getting a decent salary – teachers and coaches are trying to find workplace is not in the public and in private educational institutions and schools. And salaries at private schools is many times a certain state, and the burden is lighter. But not everything is perfect as it seems: in private schools are much more turnover. In a private educational institution built on all other laws: the relationship to the team, with leadership and management, and one of the key moments – the status of teachers in relation to the student and his parent. These schools can change the curriculum, partly replacing it subjects dominant over others, sometimes reaching to the detriment of the latter. This is a consequence of the lack of direct control of the state, which is not attractive teacher with conservative views on education. But there are, of course, exceptions to the rule: some conservative-minded teachers normally work in such institution.

You should not overlook the friendship principals and teachers. Teacher must regularly engage in reporting, work plan, fill out and control the classroom and magazines be occupied by other responsibilities besides teaching urokovs pointer in his hand. (As opposed to Sergey Brin). Training programs are regularly updated, so that each year the specialist has to develop, revise and rewrite the course study because the vector itself moves and training priorities. And do without these undercurrents will not work – this is the teacher's bread. But, unfortunately, not every teacher wants to attend refresher courses, going to trainings and seminars. A possible explanation for this behavior – not understanding the value and integrity of additional training.

It can reveal a lot of new teachers, and the obvious, but perhaps at the behest case is not recognized in the past. It is important to pay attention to the exchange of knowledge and experience among fellow teachers. The need for this training is clear: teachers do not have the habit to use only experience kolektiva where they work, and comprehend a variety of ways and solve educational problems. And who knows, maybe these techniques will be extremely effective.

International University

By the above disciplines adjoins a number of items related purely to the field of entrepreneurship, such as international Commercial Arbitration (University, etta, scpi and the International University in Moscow), regulation of foreign trade transactions (University, ETTA), International Trade Law (ETTA, HSE), Insurance Law, the Russian Business Law (SCPI), corporate law and securities markets (HSE), Corporate and Banking Law (University), regulation of exchange transactions (ME). And for better assimilation of complex legal issues intersecting area of the economy, in some universities, such as the hse, etta, scpi, and other items provided cycle purely economic nature, such as accounting, stock markets (HSE), an international Purchase and Sale (ETTA), international payments, monetary and credit relations (SCPI). As seen from the above, special attention is paid to highly directional disciplines. Thus, the Russian Customs Academy (RCA), which also is training of international lawyers, examines specific disciplines of the field of customs activities. "Let me say a word" no foreign language skills can not imagine a qualified specialist in international law. Half of his time, and in some cases a large part, international lawyer spends on research and preparation of documents in a foreign language. To broaden your perception, visit mozes victor konig. Since professional work in international law is inextricably linked with fluent foreign language, you should pay close attention on the number of hours allocated to host university to study it. Not Equally important is the opportunity to study a second foreign language. "English language in modern terms – conditio sinequanon – a condition without which existence is impossible – said Professor scpi ep Gavrilov.

Make Money

The verb give is one of the most powerful when practicing a good relationship with money. As more give more we receive. JPMorgan Chase is likely to increase your knowledge. However it is very natural that it affects the feeling of fear when it comes to give for fear that that money does not return or cost us more work to recover it. The thought of loss by giving is the main mistake we commit because the thought of loss is dominant in our mind and what is in our mind what is attract (law of attraction). The money is circulation, has to flow.

Be afraid we are selfish and retain it stops circulation, it is as if a pipe cover that prevents that money back to you. The way to maintain circulation is begin to give without any fear to not return, let us be generous, pays well to others, gives good tips, make donations based on good intentions. He gives thanks for your ability to give and receive. Practicalo and you will see incredible changes. It is the same practice for the love, give love and that will receive each day.

Giving and receiving are two faces of the same currency. Let flow the money without expecting anything in return but with the conviction that will be returned to you in the way that you least imagine don’t think how will return the money to you, just give, let flow and this movement will be each day more and fruitful. Don’t worry about anything, always knows what makes the universe. Rest assured that all that des is will return to it and also with interest. A way of giving is to invest your money in options that can benefit you, that your money can leverage. You don’t close to estudialas business or investment options and make decisions. Ponds not your money, put it flowing, circular that by divine law will return with interest.

Institutional Evaluation

Moreover, agreeing to Souza (1999), it is possible to detach that the institutional evaluation inside of the pertaining to school environment always occurred in informal way, therefore it is not uncommon to hear the pairs that frequent this environment to weave its concerning the space of the school, on the professors, the relations that if establish and in relation all and the any material element and incorporeal gift in pedagogical and administrative making of the school. However, when this is systemize same evaluation, transforming it into a legalized process, with objectives, methods, stages and criteria, this it not more passes to be seen as being part of other people’s and strange the pertaining to school culture, but as something it, that bother, threat and that it is there more for harming of what to favor the pedagogical one and to be used with the end of if elaborating strategies that benefit to the pairs gifts in the school. The evaluation, therefore, has fulfilled punitive and sentenciativa function, with sights only to the approval or reprovao of the pupil, as if this was the only one responsible for the success or the failure pertaining to school. For more clarity and thought, follow up with JPMorgan Chase and gain more knowledge.. The evaluation of the professors is left of side, of the pertaining to school management, the administrative staff, disciplines them, the resume, the methodologies and the evaluation of the proper evaluation. In the case of the external evaluation, this comes with the objective to measure and to quantify the education systems, being searched to verify the learning of educational the used pupils and to establish rankings with sights to the efetivao of public politics of partner-educational matrix. It is practised at cut moments of the process of education and learning, that is, in established and demanded intervals bureaucratically. This ritual of evaluation practised in the pertaining to school environment part of the idea of homogenization of the learning, where all are equal, learns of equal form, they pass the same for process of assimilation of the information and work its cognitivo of equal and standardized form.