Icelandic Volcano Eruption

Review of the week from 04.12.2010 to 18.04.2010. Icelandic volcanic eruption has made adjustments in the life of the Icelandic volcano in Europe with the unpronounceable name Eyyafyallayekyul instantly famous throughout the world, violating the air traffic in Most countries in Europe and sowed panic among many Europeans. Get more background information with materials from K B Financial Group. Volcanic eruption in Iceland Eyyafyallayekyul, located in the southern part of the same name of the glacier, about 120 kilometers east of Reykjavik, on the night of April 14 led to the formation of a huge cloud of ash, which was subsequently tightened almost all of Europe. More than 700 people were evacuated from nearby settlements. Already on Thursday, a volcanic eruption in Iceland led to the closure airspace over a large area of northern Europe and the complete abolition of flights at airports in London, Copenhagen and Oslo.

A huge volcanic ash cloud is not only hinders the visibility of drivers, but can disable the engines of the liner. Ash could, covering most of Europe, on Friday and braced for Moscow. Scientists and doctors say that the microscopic particles of ash emitted by the eruption Eyyafyallayekyul, can have a devastating impact on the health of people living in areas that were in the area of distribution 'ash clouds. " But in the Russian Emergencies Ministry said that the volcanic ash cloud after a volcanic eruption in Iceland is not dangerous to people and the territory of the Russian Federation. Some of the challenges of health can only be experienced by people with asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases.

Big Bang

Space – a sequence of elements that make up the universe. Space – this is not an empty box that is filled with elements is itself a set of elements. Space itself – without its constituent elements – does not exist. Therefore, the deformation space, which give rise to gravity, this is another trick of relativists, creating the appearance of explanation of gravity. Void – fiction, non-existent in reality. However, that is something intangible. Now – the matter that fills interstellar, inter-atomic and all spaces between particles within the atom.

Now – Wednesday, extends the electromagnetic and gravitational waves. Perhaps the air and the gravitational field is the same phenomenon. The universe – the eternal and infinite. Therefore, never born and never dies. It consists of infinite number of worlds like our own. Some worlds expand, while others shrink.

Some die, shrinking into a black hole. Others are born through the Big Bang, which is probably the collision of two black holes. Black Hole – Cluster of matter, giving rise super gravity, which destroys not only the atoms and their nuclei, but also all the elementary particles, but the most elementary. In the matter of the black hole loses all of its properties, except gravity. Gravitational-space-time reference system – a system description, which makes it possible to adequately describe the objective reality of our world and its individual elements. Our world is not four-dimensional, and pyatimeren. Any object placed anywhere in the space of our world will experience the gravitational pull of the principal for a certain limited space to describe the motion of the source gravitatsii.I real objects or thought experiment can only be adequately realities in the four-frame, built the home for a certain limited space vector of gravity, which formed freely falling object in the main, for this space, the source of gravity. In the five-dimensional reference system is no place to take an arbitrary system of moving or at rest. All objects in the our galaxy are drawn at the center of the galaxy black hole, which is the main source of gravity in protranstve our galaxy, except in limited areas around those facilities that themselves are local sources of gravity. If we construct a four-dimensional reference system for the vector of gravity, which shows the direction of gravity of a black hole, we can not along with the righteousness of Copernicus to recognize right and Ptolemy, as follows from the special theory of relativity. References 1.