
If the product has no competence may be due to two causes: because not sold or because it is a new product in the latter case is advisable to first do a monitoring for some time to see whether it is profitable or not and then promote it (in the case of being profitable). For not wasting time promoting products that nobody searches and by what anyone is going to buy it is that we must know to perform an analysis of search and needs of the niche of that product. If we find what people are looking for and identify the right keywords to promote that product, we will be making our success largely 2 – analyzes the sales letters: this is very important and is related to the previous point. Many affiliates are seduced by a nice sales letter, but not repaired in that if that letter is selling or not. Anything we’ll serve your sales letters have very nice graphs, videos and text but has a good percentage of sales conversion. For this it is necessary to learn a little about the analysis of a sales letter. It is mainly to give us account if it is persuasive or not.

3 Promotes only quality products: this is also very important, since anything it will help sell a product if then We lose the commissions because they have returned. Although it is not necessary, if it is highly advisable to first buy the product, to know what you are promoting. So we can promote it during the duration of the warranty period and decide whether to stay with him and continue to promote it because it’s a good product, or return it and pass to promote another. In the event you do not want to buy products, you can go to another method, less effective, but which can serve: get this question I would buy that product? If the answer is if so thats a good sign for those offering a good product. .